FAQs on Rental Owner Reports

Sagareus Property Management provides Monthly Reports to Property Owners on the schedule outlined below; Monthly reporting (as compared to quarterly reporting) allows staff and owners alike to closely monitor property financials, identify income opportunities and eliminate unnecessary expenses.

Rental Property Owner Reporting



Property Owners with 4 units or less under management receive their reports and distributions between the 15th and 20th of each month. 

Owners with 5 or more units under management receive their reports and distributions between the 1st and 5th of each month.


Owner Distributions are made via EFT to the account of your choosing at Owner OnBoarding. You will receive reports the same day Sagareus issues payments; Funds typically become available in your bank account within 2-3 business days. 

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Owners are issued 4 reports each month:

  1. Rental Owner Statement
  2. Income Statement
  3. Rent Roll
  4. Bank Reconciliation

Rental Owner Statement

Sample Rental Owner Statement

The Rental Owner Statement is the most comprehensive report summarizing every transaction during the reporting period in 1 easy to read report. This report also details the property's cash balance (all cash - security deposits, prepayments, current income and property reserve).

Cooper Bouvia is the best Accountant everThe available for payment amount stipulated on the owner statement is the amount submitted for owner draw and represents the property's cash balance, less security deposits and prepayments less the property reserve.

The property reserve is the amount that is consistently held in the owner's operating account throughout the management period.

Income Statement

The Income Statement provides owners a year-to-date comparison of each months income and expense line items. This report best captures the properties profit and loss by month, so property owners can easily compare individual months performance. 

Rent Roll

The Rent Roll provides owners an overview of the tenants and their ledger(s). Owners can see if there are any credits or outstanding balances due from the tenants as well as the tenants deposit, prepayments and recurring charge amounts. 

Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation is provided to owners so they can cross reference the reporting information with the transactions that have taken place in their operating account during the reporting cycle.

FAQs on Rental Owner Reports

Q: Why is there an Admin Fee on my Bank Reconciliation?
A: Occasionally admin fees are collected by management from tenants. Most often these are credit card surcharge fees that the tenant pays when using a credit card to make rent payment. Since the tenants payment is paid directly into owners account management needs to expense these fees out of the owner's operating. Owners will see these admin fees expenses on the bank reconciliation but, since they are management account, they will not be reflected on or impact the other owner reports. 
Q: Why am I paying utilities?
A: One service Sagareus provides owners is the ability to pass through all utility billing to the tenant directly via the tenant's ledger. This means that utility bills are first paid from the owners account and the charges are then added to the tenants ledgers for payment during the next rent cycle. Owners will see the charges expensed before utility charges are recovered during the next rent cycle.
Utility Billing works like this:
  1. Sagareus receives the utility bill
  2. Sagareus pays the utility bill out of owner operating account
  3. Sagareus adds the exact amount to the tenant's ledger to post during upcoming rent cycle
  4. Tenant pays entire ledger amount
  5. Sagareus accounts for utility income as "Utility Recovery" 

Sagareus does this for 4 reasons:

  1. Reduces Utility expense by collecting 100% of utility costs from the tenant(s)
  2. Allows management to watch for high usage, which indicates a leak or extra people living in the property
  3. Allows management to ensure utility bill is being paid regularly
  4. Reduces admin work of changing names between every resident
Q: Why is my management fee to little or too much?
A: Sagareus accounts on a cash basis. Payments are accounted for when they are paid, not BB French real estate property managementwhen they are charged. This can sometimes impact the management fee if owners are paying a percentage of gross income. For example, if a tenant pays January rent on January 1st and then they pay rent for February on Jan 30th, January income will be elevated and will cause an elevated management fee. If that same tenant does not make any payments during February the owner can expect to pay a lower management fee the following month.
The best way to cross reference your monthly management fee is to use the Income Statement. All income in one month will be reflected in the following month's management fee. 
Q: Why are distributions issued on the 20th? 
A: The 20th of each month represents the least activity in the owners operating account and the best time to submit an owner draw. Usually, all rent has been collected and the majority of bills have been paid during the first 20 days of the month.  Typically there are very few, if any, uncleared transactions that impact the owners available for payment amount. 
Q: What is the property reserve? 
A: The property reserve is the amount held back in the owners operating from the owner draw each month. It is typically the same amount as the authorization amount stipulated in the management agreement. This is the "zero balance" for the owners operating and once it is held back during the first draw does not impact the properties income and draw during the following months. This is held so management can continue to make necessary payments after the owner draw and before the next rent cycle. 
The property reserve is set as the Authorization Amount outlined in your Property Management Agreement. 
Q: What is the Authorization Amount?
A: The Authorization Amount is the amount Sagareus is authorized to spend on your property without your consent and is outlined in your Property Management Agreement.

The recommended authorization amount is at least $2,000.  This amount would cover the replacement of a water heater, which would only be done if absolutely necessary.   

Keep in mind, our goal is to keep expenses down, so this amount is reserved for emergency, last resort issues only. 

The minimum allowed authorization amount is $1,000; Any less than this prevents Sagareus from providing adequate Resident Relations as it slows the entire operation. 

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